Essay on effect of COVID-19 on students future

                           Essay on effect of COVID-19 on students future


we all know that since the covid 19 virus has come and spread the world life of all peoples around the world affected .we losses many of our brothers sisters around the world .most of us relate with me the statement that today not a single country remains left which is not affected by this disease. all buisness lifes of people whether rich or poors or middle class all are affected we all faces lockdown 
the one and only solution of the virus till we not made vaccine or any drugs for the disease 
but today we discuss the

             Essay on effect of COVID-19 on students future 


we all know that in lockdown process in approx all countries 
the life of student affected as all schools and tutions and classes are closed due to covid 19 
however the online classes of student is the alternate option for regular classes in school but we all knows that this is not a fix solution for all as we know that all students are not able to take online classes specially the poor one and lower middle classes students so if we say that we found the solution of lockdown studies so stop here, we have not found the satisfacted solution for all students .
so we cant say that the online studies is the solution except for the rich families students.
many of our dreamers the brilliant ones students have loss their future the very badly this disease affected their dreams carriers 
all we say that we are loosing many talents for future of our countries and our worlds.
the poor families even cant survive for thier basics needed in this situation than how they will teach their childs online classes
so all we can say that even though all worlds re affected by this disesase but specially the poor families are more affected by the beat of this corona virus.
the question raised here what we can do in this period 
the small things which all we capable person can do is below-
 (1) HELP- help the poor students with sitting them with you in online classes or by contributing some small moneys pay their feeses from your pocket money

(2) MOTIVATE OTHERS- the people arounds us are not a bad peoples in time what they actually needed is motivation so motivate peoples for helping others

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